Interactive Bulletin Boards

Enhance Communication in the Workplace

Our Audience™ Interactive Bulletin Board solution is a fully customizable, dynamic Digital Signage communications tool for information distribution in the workplace that increases staff engagement and fosters collaboration.


Prior to engagement, the Interactive Bulletin Board performs as a typical Digital Signage display with a fully customizable, multi-zone layout presenting a scheduled rotation of engaging video, graphic, text and automated data content.

Once engaged, the fully customizable main menu displays the list of categories available to the user. Tapping the category of interest will then take the user directly to the content available within the category selected, or to a second menu of sub-categories when required.

Available content can include video-on-demand (MP4), graphics, or text documents including files created with popular in-office platforms including Microsoft Exchange and Power BI.

The Audience™ Interactive Bulletin Board provides users the ability to access and interact with reference documentation not normally presented or accessible within regular Digital Signage displays. Performing with the same functionality as a PDF viewer, users are able to enlarge, minimize, and scroll long-form documents with the swipe of a hand, with all content available for download to mobile devices.  

Increase Staff Engagement and Collaboration in the Workplace

  • Corporate Policies
  • Staff Calendars
  • In-office Notifications and Upcoming Events
  • Group Collaboration Documents
  • Training Sessions/Videos
  • Product and Service Updates
  • Promotional Content
  • Current Health and Safety Regulations
  • Facility Tours

flexible. scalable. efficient.

Our highly scalable solutions offer businesses the opportunity to easily expand the size and scope of their digital signage network as properties grow and the need for controlled communication increases.